I Learned Something ~

I was so excited to have been asked to lead the Christmas music for my homeschool group this past Weds. at their annual Christmas dinner.  I had wanted to do it last year, but was unable to, so when they asked me I jumped at the chance!  You see, most of the moms I see on a regular weekly basis have (or had) never heard me sing before.   Instead, they have the great privilege of seeing me without any make-up, in my grubs, happy, sad, tired, frustrated, you get the point. Oh yeah, and insert some sarcasm.  lol.  So I was excited to share another side of who God has created me to be.

Now singing other people’s songs is a cinch for me because I only have to own the interpretation of the song and not the words or back story.  But when it comes to singing my original songs, I get very self conscious and nervous.  I sang one of my songs from my “I Will Follow” CD called, “Breathe In The Presence Of God.”  I was excited to sing it over the ladies, but also nervous.  A professional songwriter had told me that it was just a production number, and eluded that it didn’t have very much depth to it.  I thought maybe it would be too simple for them.  Maybe the ladies would just politely smile when I was finished as a courtesy.  I still have a hard time saying that I am a songwriter and not just a singer.  I compare myself to so many other qualified and seasoned songwriters and well in my eyes I am still at an amateur level.

But, I learned something very important that evening.  After I had shared my song and sat down, my friend next to me said she loved it.  Another mom, with tears in her eyes, asked me to follow her to the back of the room.  It was then that I saw how God ministers to someone’s heart through the offerings that we lay at His alter.  That song touched her deeply and she wanted her friend who was going through a very difficult time to read the lyrics so that she too would be comforted.  There were other blessings that happens as well.  All because I had the courage and obedience to get up there, be empowered by the Holy Spirit, and sing what was placed in my heart to write down.  I learned my songs are not meant to be scrutinized and judged or thrown away because they don’t meet the standards that someone else has set.  If I believe in them, then God can use them to minister to others.  I just need to be brave, be obedient to God’s guidance, and surrender all of the offerings I have to bring through singing, writing, crocheting, praying, loving, caring, giving, etc., to Him for His glory and His glory alone.  He is in charge of how they are used or where they decide to go; not me.

Here is a link to a song I have been singing through lately called, “Christmas Offering” by Paul Baloche. http://youtu.be/_iR-wZVlTQw  I don’t know what your offerings are that you can bring to bless and minister to others, but I know you have them.  We all have something to give away.  Let’s be brave, creative, and open to use them as an offering of worship to our King.  We will get to see God work and be a part of it.  That is always such a wonderful blessing.  More wonderful then anything anyone else could ever give.


www.laramarriott.com & itunes

4 thoughts on “I Learned Something ~

  1. That’s one of my favorite Lara Marriott songs. Yes, it’s simple. But I think it evokes a spirit of worship. It puts in artistic form what our heart and our spirit feel when we are welcoming the Holy Spirit into our moments. The ethereal feel to the song feels spiritual and the lyrics/melody, in the higher register, evoke a light feeling to the listener. It makes me stop and think. To slow down. It is a calming song, that helps one attain peace (listen to the podcast from yesterday’s sermon – Mike had some good things to say about peace).

    I understand the critique of it being a “production piece” and one without a lot of depth. It’s not full of scripture. It’s not a theological thinker. But sometimes the airy songs are just what our spirit needs to enter into a realm of worship with God.

    From one critiqued artist to another – thank you for continuing to share your gift even after feeling deflated.


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